This is to inform ANTHE 23rd-Nov exam participants that there are many websites showing to publish Solution of ANTHE-2014 exam & Answer-Keys but we assure the appeared students that neither the solution provided by Aakash Institute to publish for tally or recheck nor the question paper allowed to take home.
Also, there is no bifurcation revealed by the institute publicly related to how many students participated in Medical or Engineering stream.
It is expected that approx. 1.5 Lakh students enrolled in ANTHE-2014 scholarship exam but only 1.2+ Lakh students appeared in exam. The result of ANTHE-2014 will be declared on or after 8th-Dec 2014.
Once the result is declared by the institute, it will be updated here. Please visit this website regularly for recent updates related to ANTHE and other scholarship exams conducted by Aakash.
Also, there is no bifurcation revealed by the institute publicly related to how many students participated in Medical or Engineering stream.
It is expected that approx. 1.5 Lakh students enrolled in ANTHE-2014 scholarship exam but only 1.2+ Lakh students appeared in exam. The result of ANTHE-2014 will be declared on or after 8th-Dec 2014.
Once the result is declared by the institute, it will be updated here. Please visit this website regularly for recent updates related to ANTHE and other scholarship exams conducted by Aakash.