Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam created history with being the biggest Exam (in Private sector) of India now. In this Talent Hunt Exam, total 43,001 candidates appeared on Sunday 27th November 2011 out of enrolled 47,294 students with a success rate of 90.92%.
More than a dozen Hindi and English News-papers gave coverage to this exam event including top rated news papers like Hindustan Times (HT), Times of India (TOI), Punjab Keshari, Dainik Jagron, Dainik Bhaskar, Dainik Tribune and Amar Ujala etc.
More than a dozen Hindi and English News-papers gave coverage to this exam event including top rated news papers like Hindustan Times (HT), Times of India (TOI), Punjab Keshari, Dainik Jagron, Dainik Bhaskar, Dainik Tribune and Amar Ujala etc.